Sector N-2, Phase 4, Hayatabad, Peshawar 091-5815256 091-5811248

Best wishes Murals from CC Peshawar Cluster to Bradford,UK Cluster

In order to extend very sincere best wishes to our friends at Bradford, beautiful new year wishes' murals were prepared jointly by all member schools of Peshawar cluster. All member schools designed and prepared 2 x 2 feet wall hangings, expressing their creative and imaginative abilities. Then these wall hangings of 4 member schools were stitched together to make one big muaral with heartfelt wishes for year 2010.
These were sent to Bradford, UK where teachers and students have greatly appreciated the sincere gesture and  creative depiction of genuine feelings for our friends at Green Lane Primary School, Frizing Hall Primary School, Feversham College and Thornton Grammar School.

Miss Gill Kicks from Green Lane Primary School,and Mr.Rizwan, Bradford Cluster Coordinator have already registered their greatly appreciative remarks through recent emails.Thankyou Miss Kicks, and Mr. Rizwan